
DIY Turbine Workshop

Three hour workshop demonstrating how to build a small wind turbine from inexpensive materials
Workshop lit with power from wind turbine installed outside
Given at Alfred University's Senior Shows
May 9th, 2009, Alfred, NY


Wind Power Workshop

Three hour workshop on generating electricity from the wind
Topics: How to build a small wind turbine; Feasibility studies; Basics of electricity and wiring.
Free, open to all.
Funded by grants from Alfred University and School of Art and Design
April 11th, 2009, Alfred, NY
Collaboration with Jenn Urfer

Click to download a manual detailing how to build an inexpensive wind turbine


Solar Power Workshop

Three hour workshop on generating electricity with photovoltaics
Topics: PV system design; Feasibility studies; Basics of electricity and wiring.
Free, open to all.
Funded by grants from Alfred University and School of Art and Design
March 28th, 2009, Alfred, NY
Collaboration with Jenn Urfer


Bio-Diesel Workshop

Three hour workshop on producing bio-diesel fuel from waste vegetable oil
Topics: Building a tank; Obtaining and preparing oil; Processing oil into fuel.
Free, open to all.
Funded by grants from Alfred University and School of Art and Design
April 20th, 2008, Alfred, NY
Collaboration with Brett Hansen, Caylin Janet, Jenn Urfer, Fion MacCrea
